HealthA BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO BUYING WEED AT A DISPENSARYPerico GilbertApril 27, 2021 by Perico GilbertApril 27, 202101354 When looking for Marijuana, you should purchase from a weed dispensary that fits all your requirements. Since there are several...
MedicineWhen is it Right to Take the MCAT Exam?Perico GilbertApril 16, 2021April 16, 2021 by Perico GilbertApril 16, 2021April 16, 202102550 When applying for medical school, you will have to prepare for a lot of requirements, from personal statements to letters...
HealthA Guide to The Best Cannabis Strains for All BeginnersPerico GilbertApril 5, 2021May 20, 2022 by Perico GilbertApril 5, 2021May 20, 202201347 An awful first experience with weed can be reason enough to stop using weed products altogether. In most cases, the...
HealthWays Of Preventing Cannabis Mold InfestationPerico GilbertApril 1, 2021April 1, 2021 by Perico GilbertApril 1, 2021April 1, 202101240 Mold is a real threat to the growth of your cannabis. Though it’s popular to use pesticides to kill insects...